Aircraft Transaction
The Firm is proud to have assisted another successfully-delivered aircraft to a customer in the Philippines. Our Aviation Law practice is one of the most trusted in the industry. We advise several licensed air charter companies as well as foreign OEM and related financing.
Licensing of Pre-need Company
The Firm is proud to announce the successful registration and licensing of the newest pre-need company in the Philippines. Certificate of Authority was issued by the regulatory authority Insurance Commission (Department of Finance) for Cosmopolitan Climbs Life Plan Inc., initially capitalized at approximately US$3M.
Bell Helicopter awarded Philippine Government Bidding
The Firm is proud to have assisted Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. in its winning bid to supply the Philippine National Police with its helicopter purchase. The Firm is also equally pleased to have been a part of upgrading the capabilities of the police force of the country.
Doing Business in the Philippines?
You can download our free information-packed write up on modes of doing business in the Philippines.